Futurist | Speaker | Writer

Former vice chairman of the World Future Society and one of the top financial brokers according to Barron’s Magazine, Bob successfully predicted events and trends that have had a major impact on business and society—including the subprime crisis, the S&L and Mutual Savings bank collapse, and the rise of women in business.

Passionate about the valuable insights that can be gained from thinking like a futurist, Bob wants to see individuals and organization become more visionary in their approach, and looks for every opportunity to help facilitate that. He has fascinating stories to tell and experiences to relate—and a unique ability to connect the dots, see patterns and trends, and inspire individuals and organizations to understand and plan for what lies ahead.

“I don’t have a crystal ball, just a good looking glass into the future.”

Essentially futurists anticipate what could occur in the future. Thinking like a futurist involves combining data with creative thinking to foresee upcoming trends and events and proactively prepare for them.

One thing that futurists all have in common is curiosity, which is a quality everyone has and can learn to use.

Looking to the future can be invaluable for executives and entrepreneurs in any profession. It can help you navigate challenges and make the most of opportunities that lie ahead, five, ten, even twenty years from now. It can also give you a massive advantage over your competitors, who may just be looking month to month or quarter to quarter.

My goal is to share the lessons I’ve learned through years of experience to help you figure out how to act today so you’re better prepared for success tomorrow.

Bob Chernow

The Cassandra Curse

Tomorrow is your roadmap for today.

Consider how the world is changing—and what it will mean for your organization-

How do you need to prepare for the ultimate impact of global warming, new viral outbreaks, growing income disparity, food shortages and other risks?

In a dynamic competitive environment, understanding trends, being able to look at and make sense of all the information around you—and plan accordingly—are critical for any organization that wants to stay relevant and achieve long-term success.

Latest blogs.

Aerial view of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, showing its vast expanse with varying shades of blue and white salt deposits along the shores, surrounded by a rugged landscape.

Saving the Great Salt Lake

Futurists can predict possible events, but most of us are optimists who believe that you can change these events. The situation in Utah is an example. SCIENCE NEWS ran a detailed report (June 3, 2023) by Brianna Randall, titled “The Great (Shrinking) Salt Lake.” She listed the challenges: The Lake

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A senior man with a joyful expression looking up at a healthcare professional whose back is to the camera, hands clasped in a comforting gesture.

The Future of Health

The future fields that will dominate health will include early detection of disease and delivery of medicines or genes in more efficient ways. Look at how far we have advanced in even two hundred years. Health has progressed in stages. The first big advance came in sanitation. Doctors began washing

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Group of individuals carrying an injured person on a stretcher through a devastated area.

Israel’s actions breed a stronger resistance

As seen in Capital Times. Jason slew the dragon to get the golden fleece. He then sowed its teeth. Warriors grew from the soil, according to myth. But myth or not, “sowing the dragon’s teeth” results in an unanticipated future. You generate enemies. Israel’s right-wing government hopes it will destroy

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Aerial view of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, showing its vast expanse with varying shades of blue and white salt deposits along the shores, surrounded by a rugged landscape.

Saving the Great Salt Lake

Futurists can predict possible events, but most of us are optimists who believe that you can change these events. The situation in Utah is an example. SCIENCE NEWS ran a detailed report (June 3, 2023) by Brianna Randall, titled “The Great (Shrinking) Salt Lake.” She listed the challenges: The Lake

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A senior man with a joyful expression looking up at a healthcare professional whose back is to the camera, hands clasped in a comforting gesture.

The Future of Health

The future fields that will dominate health will include early detection of disease and delivery of medicines or genes in more efficient ways. Look at how far we have advanced in even two hundred years. Health has progressed in stages. The first big advance came in sanitation. Doctors began washing

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